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On Mon, 2011-04-25 at 13:54 +0200, Bernhard Dippold wrote:


The OTF link ( is called Medium, but the 
properties describe them as Light. I thought I installed four different 
files, but I can't find them again.
I have those.

Nevertheless you're right: The blank width has been reduced (probably on 
error), so it can't be used at the moment.

- the height metric changed a bit, the updated font is slightly taller
then it was from the Oct 2010 files
Didn't compare.

Results [LibreOffice (3.3.2)]
- Vegur again only displays light
- New twist, bold a word with special characters (some - the ones used
for Spanish) now they display as blank spaces. [see screenshot]
It seems that the font doesn't only contain the Light version - 
otherwise the bold characters would be calculated from the light ones 
without losing them in Bold.
Yes, I should of been clear the behavior different if I have the first
four separate font files installed before the update file - the screen
shot shows this later case.


I'd suggest to do the same here until the work on the Vegur font reaches 
a more or less final status:
Will do, thanks.

Direct download:

I don't know at the moment if this archive works on Windows too, but I 
can't spend the time to look at it in dept at the moment.
I'll try to make time to check under XP/Win 7 later tonight or tomorrow.

Best wishes,


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