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On Sun, 2011-04-24 at 23:16 +0200, Christoph Noack wrote:
Hi Drew, hi Astron!

Olivier mentioned that some time ago, so - my assumption - maybe the
characters get replaced by a fallback font:

Hillar was so kind and adapted some characters - he provided it here:

Could you please install it and provide feedback whether it behaves
better? I've never designed Spanish material, so I simply lack the

Alright well my feedback is that this isn't going so well.

I installed the file referenced in the email, under Linux 64bt (Ubuntu)
GNOME (a few times - with and without the old vegur files on the system)

Results [GIMP and InkScape]
 - only light font is available. Regular, Medium and Bold actually use
the Light font. Space character is so small that the break between words
is for all intent an purpose none-existent. 
- the height metric changed a bit, the updated font is slightly taller
then it was from the Oct 2010 files 

Results [LibreOffice (3.3.2)]
- Vegur again only displays light 
- New twist, bold a word with special characters (some - the ones used
for Spanish) now they display as blank spaces. [see screenshot]

So you mentioned Olivier and I said - right the Brasilian cover that is what's up with that? Maybe this works under MS Windows and
Commercial graphics applications and maybe that is what they used?


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