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Hi :)
Looks fine! :)  Nice work there :)  

I was trying to think of a better way of saying 

"The LibreOfficeuser interfaceis available in many languages, even in languages for which cost of 
localization for commercial software is not available.  "
but i couldn't come up with anything that wasn't clunky in some other way.  Perhaps 

"The LibreOfficeuser interfaceis available in many languages.  Even languages which commercial 
software can't afford to translate into." 
See what i mean?  Still clunky.  

On the 2nd page in the 1s and 2nd columns the bulleted indents make the lining-up look a little 
strange but on the 3rd column it looks fine.  Also a lot of words got split at the end of sentences 
but nothing can be done about that.  

The really weird thing was when i opened the A4 in 4.0.0 the formatting looked really messed-up 
with the far left column on 1st page clearly jumping up through the column header.  However when i 
clicked into the document it all jumped back down again and looked great.  Same thing happened with 
the US letter sized one.  So, if it happens to you just give it a minute to fix itself.  I've been 
thinking about upgrading to 4.0.3 quite soon anyway, hopefully this weekend.  It could just be 
something weird in my settings or anything.  This machine has been unhappy for a while now and 
needs some tlc.  

Regards from 

Tom :)  

From: Marc Paré <>
Sent: Friday, 10 May 2013, 17:02
Subject: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Brochure-type: General Information -- Updated to v.4 (still 
in edit stage by the marketing team)

Hi everyone,

As per the discussions on this thread, the text has been modified, I have:

* updated the whole Writer paragraph -- as per Italo's suggestion

* updated the wiki workspace page with the "such as MySql/MariaDB or 
PostgreSQL." added to the end of the Base paragraph. as per Tom's suggestion

* used the updated community template version -- as per Mattias changes

Could you please all take a second and perhaps last look at the text, 
format? It would be also nice if you could print it out and then proof 
the brochure with the following elements in mind:

* make sure the text is OK
* look for any spelling errors or EN syntax
* formatting ... should some words be in bold or italic?
* any other oddities

ALSO, although this brochure is meant to be an "ink-saver version" you 
should also check to see how it looks in B/W. I have printed it out on 
my Brother laser and it looks fine in B/W. Although, it is still better 
if you print it in color to check it.

NOTE!!!! If your printer is printing the brochure in an odd format, this 
is because LibreOffice is using the wrong "device" to print it. If you 
have this problem go to Print->Properties->Device (the tab) and pick an 
appropriate device for your printer. Tim and I are not sure if this is a 
LibreOffice bug or a problem with the OS setup -- it would be nice to 
get some feedback on this -- if it is a bug then we will submit it.

As I believe there are move people who use the A4 format, I have also 
done up the Community A4 version along with the USLtr version. You can 
download the new versions here:



Marc Paré Supports OpenDocument Formats (ODF) Supports

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