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Hi Björn,

On 30 January 2013 20:18, Björn Balazs <> wrote:
You haven't: We did an expert rating (that what I wrote - and to add
some more flesh to it:) with two experts (Heiko and me) working
independently and discussing were categorization differed.
Not sure if you're saying that I haven't looked careful enough or that
you haven't explained it well enough. In any case, I wasn't so much
interested in the "who?" as I was in the "how?".

So yes, you are right - there are issues to the validity. Take it as
I said before: it is an indicator for the mentioned hypothesis and
There are issues with the validity of your results/the methodology but
you still want to use them as an indicator for something?

Nevertheless they are valid - mostly because people re-did what was
done before using (slightly) different methodology.
That mostly thing is mostly the problem here: no one has tested your
study with proper methodology so far.

Back to our study: all raw data is freely available.

I really hope to get some support here - we need to go ahead based on
research (as good as we can). You see in this and other threads, what
happens when we all just talk about our own preferences...
Emphatically, I support what you do (I believe I wrote that before) –
I just don't like this specific part of your analysis.


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