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On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 9:58 PM, Jay Lozier <> wrote:

In general I agree that some of the buttons are used less frequently and
that many users may not realize what they do. Parallel to your ideas is are
there buttons that should be displayed that currently are not displayed?
I don't think right now that any toolbar button should be added, but maybe
some functionality.

It would be nice if there was a way to easily create a table of contents
(currently much too hidden in the menus) - could be added to the 'Apply
Style' menu at the bottom. Adding page numbers to the footer or header is
to complicated too.

For example Close is one button I like to have on my tool bar. Cleaning up
and deleting rarely used buttons and replacing them with more useful ones
is a good topic to explore. I suspect there will some disagreement about
which buttons are relatively useless and should be replaced, personally I
would keep the table button.

 Writer has currently too many buttons and therefore they should be
dramatic reduced. One or two new icons would be IMHO okay, but don't refill
the whole cleaned-up space.

I think the typical button layout borrows heavily from earlier programs
from as far back as the 80's and buttons these programs displayed.
Truthfully, I do not know how much good research has been done on this
topic or even if there really was any research done in the beginning.


Typically I will add buttons I want to the tool bars, rarely will I delete
any of the default buttons. Also, I prefer using the small size because I
can have more buttons displayed on the tool bar (possibly another topic).

Reducing the icon size more than a few pixels is a no-go, there are hell of
a lot of people out there having problems to target small UI elements ->


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