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Hi :)
If you were able to ring-fence about 20% of the features of MS Office then about 80% of users never 
stray outside that.  From what i see it's more like about 100% of users.  Most users don't even use 
all of that 20%.  

People that are more likely to know and might even have read studies suggest it's more like 90% of 
users only use 10% of the features.  It would be great to have a study about this but it's 
difficult to avoid bias.  "Leading questions" and assumptions or misunderstandings by users.  
Various guys think they always uses the most sophisticated new features but in fact never do some 
even block newer or more advanced features because of the 'problems' they have caused.  

Still, i agree with the rest of the project (outside of the Users List) that we need to be better 
at both read & writes of the newer MS formats just to hold on to the share of the market we have at 
the moment let alone try to increase that.  

It's not a surprise to hear that a University that might normally champion intellectual freedom and 
freedom of speech is so clueless or mis-informed about a computer related issue that they end up 
forcing people into supporting a big profit-making company.  Normally if a university recommends a 
product they will have received funding or some other good deal from the company.  In this case the 
university is probably not getting anything like that.  

It would be nice if TDF could form a team that does what MS do and goes out to put our side of the 
story out to selected companies and such-like.  
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Fri, 16/9/11, Brian Barker <> wrote:

From: Brian Barker <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: docx format troubles
Date: Friday, 16 September, 2011, 2:10

At 16:05 15/09/2011 +0200, Andreas Säger wrote:
Always send back docx/xlsx/pptx as doc/xls/ppt. All flavours of Microsoft Office fully support 
any of these heritage file formats and this office suite can handle them much better. There is no 
technical reason to share docx with users of MS Office.

I fear that's not entirely true.  There are some facilities in later versions of Microsoft Office 
which can be saved in .docx etc. formats but not in .doc etc. formats.  If your correspondents are 
making use of these facilities, that content will be lost if you convert their documents to the 
older file formats.

Brian Barker

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