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Hi :)
I completely disagree with that.  From what i see of "average" users even 10% might be far too high 
and it's the same 10% not a different 10% for each person.  

A lot of secretaries and people that work with Word all day long consider the use of indent, tabs 
or tables rather than "lots of spaces" as scarily technical or over-complicated.  Copy&paste is 
beyond a lot of people, especially using keyboard short-cuts.  I have seen a lot of people with a 
spreadsheet open on their machine yet they reach for a calculator to add up a list of figures and i 
am talking about office managers, senior executives, accountants, not dumb idiots!  A person that 
takes a LOT of pictures with an iPhone was shocked when i turned it sideways to see landscape 
pictures fill the screen.  

Using Calc does not mean using 1/6th of the functionality of the entire Suite.  It often means just 
typing in numbers and maybe looking at the results at the end of the row.  
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Sun, 18/9/11, planas <> wrote:

From: planas <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: docx format troubles
Date: Sunday, 18 September, 2011, 6:53


On Sat, 2011-09-17 at 08:30 -0400, David B Teague sr wrote: 

On 9/16/2011 6:56 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
If you were able to ring-fence about 20% of the features of MS Office then about 80% of users 
never stray outside that.  From what i see it's more like about 100% of users.  Most users 
don't even use all of that 20%.
I hope this isn't hijacking the thread, and if so, /please /say so, and 
I'll repost this in a new thread.

The fact that 20% of the features of MS Office (and by implication, LO 
and OO.o) used almost exclusively by some 80% of the users suggests to 
me that OO.o should identify that 20% of features and modularize OO.o or 
LO or what have you to include that 20% and make the other 80% of the 
features available as extensions.

I think you will actually find individuals use about 20 - 25% of the
features regularly but I think you will find there is very little
overlap. This means that LO needs to cover about 75 - 85% of the
features as a minimum to cover the user base. You will find users who
will use one or two components almost exclusively and very rarely use
the others. For example I use Writer and Calc extensively, Base
occasionally, and almost never use Impress or Draw. 

I'd like comments on this idea.

David Teague

nil significat nisi oscillat

Jay Lozier

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