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On Sat, 2011-09-17 at 08:30 -0400, David B Teague sr wrote:
The fact that 20% of the features of MS Office (and by implication, LO and OO.o) used almost exclusively by some 80% of the users suggests to me that OO.o should identify that 20% of features and modularize OO.o or LO or what have you to include that 20% and make the other 80% of the features available as extensions.

One thing to remember is that in institutions, it will not be the user's job to install or upgrade software. Users should not be running as root/administrator and will not have access to any installation media. The efficient way to install software in such scenarios is to install everything and to provide hardware capable of operating it satisfactorily. There would be no advantage - indeed, considerable disadvantage - if IT departments had to hunt down a set of extensions to make up the package they needed. It would be another obstacle to change.

Brian Barker

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