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I tell everyone that I deal with that MS does not support those "x" formats the same between their different version of Office. I know people who save their documents in .docx with Office 2010 and it does not work completely read by Office 2007. SO I tell them unless there is a dire need to save it in those "x" formats, use the ones that go from Office 97 through 2003. Myself, I dropped MSO at 2003, but I still have copies of MSO 2003, MSO XP, and if I can find where I put it I have MSO 97 as well. I dropped using MSO when I went to Ubuntu-Linux as my default desktop OS in Feb 2010. Dropped it from my laptops sometime after LO came out.

I am setting up an old IBM server with my last copy of XP Home [32-bit] and I have placed MSO 2003 on it, but then installed LO 3.3.x with the MSO files defaulted to LO instead of MSO. The secretary [in training] may need to learn MSO, but she will have LO on it so she can do her typing with an easier to use package.

So, promote the use of MSO files that are the legacy ones that can be used by Office 2003 or earlier. Try to get your people to stop using these flaky "x" formats.

Personally I think MS wanted to have their own formats that was their response to the creation of the ODF office file formats. ODF became the International Standards Organization "the" standard for office file formats instead of MSO's "x" formats, and then MSO spread some money around and got ISO to state there are two standards [when they normally have only one standard for each product or system]. MSO then decided that, since they would not be in control of the "open source" part of the standard, they would not fully support their open "x" formats.

On 09/15/2011 10:27 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
It does make life a lot easier to stick to MS's legacy formats.  Gradually moving people to 
OpenDocument Formats would be great and is likely to happen anyway as LO's market share increases.
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Thu, 15/9/11, Andreas Säger<>  wrote:

From: Andreas Säger<>
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: docx format troubles
Date: Thursday, 15 September, 2011, 15:05

Always send back docx/xlsx/pptx as doc/xls/ppt. All flavours of Microsoft Office fully support any 
of these heritage file formats and this office suite can handle them much better. There is no 
technical reason to share docx with users of MS Office.
Unfortunately, the LibreOffice project leads believe that broken support of broken file formats 
somehow serves the user.

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