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Le 15/09/11 14:03, Onyeibo Oku a écrit :


Why is LibO requiring magenta (0xFF00FF) to interpret transparency for
toolbar icons? The wiki states that it (imageidentifier) is deprecated
yet all attempts to use the 'images' configuration branch fail.  With
'images' branch, transparencies in PNG are supported.  Why can't I get
this to work?  Anybody interested in seeing a sample of my addon.xcu file???

Is there a way to ensure macro privacy/invisibility even for extensions
installed by users (not administrators)?.  This is one area VBA still
beats LibO.  In Excel the macros a wrapped up in the .XLS file and can
be password protected (However, tools exist to extract the password ...
hehehe).  In libO, one only needs to know the installation paths to see

I am still activating a macro listener manually after loading the target
document.  Attempts to do this via events throw errors. The event is
passing an argument I cannot decode yet. Yeah, I know ... someone needs
to read the developers guide again.  Any ideas are welcome though.

Why does the toolbar icons show in Linux and disappear in LibO 3.4
(Windows).  Is there something different in 3.4 specs?

You would be better off asking these questions on the developer list as
they you would be more likely to receive a relevant response there.


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