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Hi :)
C:\Users\"my username"\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\3\user
contains your settings, extensions, spell-checkers, galleries and all that
so re-naming the 3 one forces LibreOffice to make a whole new set of
settings.  It also hides your extensions, spell-checkers and stuff.

When you un-install LibreOffice or OpenOffice (and Thunderbird & Firefox
work the same way too) that config folder is left on your machine because
it's likely that they contain things you might still want to have access to
at some point, eg back-ups of documents, pictures and so on.  It is meant to
make it easier to upgrade the program as the newer release will find your
old settings, dictionaries and so on so you don't need to re-download and
reinstall all that.  Settings that might cause problems almost always get
overwritten so you might find a few changes.  

I have even had scenarios where i have been able to install an older version
of a Gnu&Linux operating system, reinstalled an older version of my
web-browser and then opened the web-browser to find it remembered all my
tabs and even had a half-filled in form still there!  Not quite what i had
expected and not something i would rely on!

So keeping the path 
C:\Users\"my username"\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice
intact is often very useful but there shouldn't have been anything left in
the "Program Files" folder afaik.  The Windows registry is notoriously
problematic even the experts tend to leave it alone or get their fingers
burned and to make it worse a lot of programs that claim to fix it are
actually malware. 

It's interesting to hear the "PDF/A-1a" option actually helps because so far
it only seems to have caused problems, not fixed them!  It is good to hear
soemthing positive about it for a change :)
Thanks and regards from
Tom :)

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