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I want to say thank you all for all your efforts to solve the problem.
Finaly it was solved by Tim L. who send me a reworked version of the
dictionary, and now the program works perfect. I've tried to exprot
the file in question in with different setting and it works like a
charm :) Thanks again!
Best regards!
2011/9/16 webmaster for Kracked Press Productions <>
The one from LibreOffice-NA.US is the same one as listed from the OOo site.

I looked into it and I cannot see anything in it that would cause problems.

I will look deeper into it and see if I can find anything that could be a problem.  I am not an 
expert in dictionary files, but I will do what I can.

On 09/16/2011 03:48 AM, hellion wrote:
Actually it's related to my observation that the problem seemed to be related
to the use of an  *.oxt spellchecker.
I've found some time yesterday to try to locate the problem using the
suggestions I've received via this thread earlier. I uninstalled the 3.3
version of the suite  and installed the Libre office 3.4.3 on my machine.
Again with the received suggestions in mind  just before the installation of
version 3.4.3 I've noticed that there are still files and folders related to
the program after the uninstall - a folder called Libre Office in
C:\Users\"my username"\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice  and a folder Libre
office in Program files (x86). There where also some entries in the registry
too. I've removed them all installed Libre Office 3.4.3 and tried to export
the document as *.pdf this time there where no problems at all. At this
point I've thought that the initial problem was solved and that it was
related to some files left  from older versions of the program. Since I'm
from Bulgaria I need spell checker for Bulgarian which is not present in the
multilanguage version of the suite so through the extension manager I've
installed an *.oxt dictionary for Bulgarian language downloaded from ooo
support. Just of curiosity I've tried to export the document as *.pdf again
and the program immediately crashed. Than i renamed the folder called 3 in
C:\Users\"my username"\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice and tried again to export
the file. This time the process went smooth with no crashes, errors or
whatsoever. I've re-renamed the forlder to 3 and again tried to export the
file and the program had crashed. I've noticed something interesting I've
attempted to export the file as PDF/A-1a, and the process went smooth with
no crashes. So finally I think the issue is related to the installed *.oxt
dictionary. I've downloaded another one from a website called but the result was the same if the file is not exported as
PDF/A-1a the program crashes. At this point Tom made the suggestion that
maybe it's worth for me to join the Bulgarian List to see if they have a
better dictionary till the problem is resolved. Anyway it really seems that
the issue is a bug worth mentioning. And now my question is is there going
to be solution for the problem in the next versions of the suite?
Best reagrds!

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