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what is the meaning or purpose of two different "pdf open" preselections in LO 343

"pdf - portable document format (writer) (*.pdf)" <*.pdf%29%22&oq=%22pdf+-+portable+document+format+%28writer%29+%28*.pdf%29%22&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=225l1715l0l1939l4l4l0l0l0l1l277l477l2-2l2l0>

"pdf - portable document format (impress) (*.pdf)" <*.pdf%29%22&oq=%22pdf+-+portable+document+format+%28writer%29+%28*.pdf%29%22&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=225l1715l0l1939l4l4l0l0l0l1l277l477l2-2l2l0>

...which in both cases leads to a "draw" document - nearly unusable in both cases, btw.
* if you have pdf text, you get with *separated single letters*...
* if you have pdf tables, you get with *separated single letters* + separated draw lines...

so, what is the intended purpose? Thanks.


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