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On 09/14/2011 12:58 AM, Илиан Иванов wrote:
Hi there, I don't know is this the right place to send this but ... (you
know) :)

It is.

I've had installed Libre Office 3.4.2 on my machine (Samsung r538 notebook -
intel core i3 processor, 4GB of RAM and 500 GB HDD, with installed Windows 7
home Premium x64), I've opened *.doc file created with MS Office 2003 and
tried to save it as *.pdf. The result was that Libre office crashed in the
process of saving the file in the new format.The program tried to restore
the file (it was a success) and I've tried to save it again with the same
result - Libre office crashing on savingthe file. Than I've tried to define
different options for the file in *.pdf format before saving it but again
the result was that the program crashed during the save/convert process.

I find no option to 'Save As' PDF. Do you actually mean: File|Export as PDF?

Afters that I've saved the file like *.odf and again the result was the
same. Than I've downloaded a program for converting files to *.pdf  called
universal document converter (udc.exe) and after installing it Libre office
has stopped to crash on saving documents in *.pdf format. after the final
release of Libre office 3.4.3 I've uninstalled the UDC program and again the
result was that Libre Office crashed during saving the same file in *.pdf
format. I reali like Libre office but after theese problems I've had to
install the 3.3 release of the suite, because (I don't know why) it didn't
crashes during saving the above mentioned file like *.pdf.

Possibly related bugs - have a look:
[Writer crashes while exporting big PDF file. (Error message: "Der
Wecker klingelt" :-))]
[Writer hangs consistently during "Export to pdf" operation]

All related to PDF:

My question is, is there gonna be a fix for the problem (maybe in the next
release of the 3.4 line ) or am I the first one to notice It?

Have a look through the bug reports (above) and see if there is one
identical to yours. If not, then please file a new bug if you can easily
reproduct the issue.

Sorry for may bad English but it's not my native language

Your English is perfectly fine by me. :-)

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