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Thank you, I tried your document and it indeed demonstrated an unpleasant
May it is time to file a bug report in the hope that this can be corrected.
I hope I am free to attach your example as well?

2016-09-09 21:07 GMT+02:00 Wiebe van der Worp <>:

On 07-09-16 20:57, Bo Siltberg wrote:

I was able to delete all other text in this document and still reproduce
the error. That's good. (The screen shots were taken before that.) I have
uploaded this mini version of the LO Users Guide
<> where
error can be reproduced, at least by me. I would appreciate if someone
could confirm the behaviour that I see. Just place the cursor above the
large picture, hit enter / backspace back and forth, which sometimes will
make the large picture disappear. This is LO but I do see the
problem in 5.2 as well.

I could reproduce the behaviour as you described. It is odd that the big
frame plus picture cover the margins, but that doesn't seem to be the

The picture below is anchored as paragraph and that "explains" the
behaviour, magical disappearance, after giving an enter.

Anchoring the second picture as character makes it stable again. And
making a bit more space between the picture by putting an empty paragraph
before the anchor of the second picture works as well.

It made me a bit curious, maybe the document is a bit contaminated, maybe
something else. So what I did is saving the bitmaps, saved text as ascii,
created a brand new document, inserted everything and, surprise, exact the
same problem. So a one page document with two pictures is enough to get
into trouble. Even worse, if the pictures are removed from the frame, same

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