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I have a large document with lots of pictures currently using LO
After doing some editing, the page formatting function kicks in
automatically but does a bad job, inserting page breaks randomly and lots
of empty pages in sequence. The total page count may increase with some 10%
due to this. I have got the impression that it is the pictures LO has
problem with since most of these extra page breaks are made where there are
pictures nearby. I have tried anchored them to the paragraph or as a
character without any effect that I can see. Closing and reopen the
document clears the problem as the initial page formatting works fine.

This is actually a very old problem, originating from the time I used OO. I
have been hoping this was a known problem and worked with. But I am a bit
confused as to where to search for the question, if it has been brought up
before. Anyone knows about this?


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