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Minimizing the window did not have any effect.
I have also tried to use master and sub-documents long time ago, not sure
why I abandoned that idea but I think it was something with slowness or
pagination errors during update of the master document. Besides I had to
manually fix all references to chapters etc. But it might be worth a try

I have also tried to reproduce the problem using the LO user guide, but
failed so far. I thought it could have something to do with wrapping text
on the side since I have lots of pictures aligned to the right of the page
and text to the left, so I changed some figures in the LO UG but failed to

Anyhow, since this does not appear to be a known problem, I guess I will
continue to track down this error to see if I can pinpoint it better. Any
other ideas are welcome. It could be that the document is broken. It comes
originally from Google docs (the old version of gdoc), later converted to
OpenOffice and now LibreOffice. I think I will try to compare the xml in
the archive with the LO UG doc or another fresh document to see if I can
spot anything odd. Maybe I should try to make a new file and paste the old
doc, hoping that eventual errors stays behind? I am unable to export a
xhtml btw, LO hangs. Not sure if that indicates an error in the document?

2016-09-04 23:34 GMT+02:00 Wiebe van der Worp <>:

On 04-09-16 20:26, Bo Siltberg wrote:

I have a large document with lots of pictures currently using LO
After doing some editing, the page formatting function kicks in
automatically but does a bad job, inserting page breaks randomly and lots
of empty pages in sequence.

I am not sure it finishes, it looks like the process times out, or worse,

You could try to use a master document (.odm) with smaller sub-documents.
It does not solve the problem, formatting is still stopping, but
reformatting every sub-document/satellite can be forced after opening the
odm, before exporting to pdf and or printing. On the other hand, if your
document just opens correctly, you are probably creating extra work with
this procedure.


* Open document
* Update index
* Update selection for every satellite (using navigator)
* Update index again
* Export to PDF for printing and distribution

I have got the impression that it is the pictures LO has
problem with since most of these extra page breaks are made where there
pictures nearby.

I agree. And calculating columns goes wrong too in certain large documents.

I have tried anchored them to the paragraph or as a
character without any effect that I can see. Closing and reopen the
document clears the problem as the initial page formatting works fine.

I did some testing with the large LO-manuals from They don't suffer
from this problem, despite the large amount of pictures. This is described
further in the link to the thread above. These pictures are in a frame,
with the frame anchored as (not to) character, always followed by an enter.

Unfortunately this causes a lot of white space left and or right from the
frame when small pictures or listings are involved.

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