On September 8, 2016 01:40:46 AM Wiebe van der Worp wrote:
So I found out the hard way what Bruce Byfield wrote two years ago:
And I noticed this bug report:
I find it sad that no action is taken because if you want to write a
"larger" document with proper layout (with text wrapping), then Writer
is not suitable.
You can still write long documents, but you have to adjust your design.
One thing that seems to help is to link your graphics rather than embed
them, which keeps the file size down.
If you have more concrete information, it couldn't hurt to add to the
bug. However, the trouble is that only those doing documents with lots
of images -- a definite minority -- are affected by the bug.
You might also want to take the time to download my book (which is free)
and ready the chapter on frames. It represents my best thinking on this
problem, offering two different approaches, neither of which is
completely satisfactory:
On the whole, the table solution is the most flexible, but having lots
of tables does increase the file size.
Bruce Byfield 604.421.7189 (Pacific time)
Writer of "Designing with LibreOffice"
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Page formatting in writer goes nuts (continued)
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