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On 06/02/2012, Dan Lewis <> wrote:
     And it appears that you just explained why people will use
spreadsheets (incorrectly perhaps) instead of a database. You just
raised the bar too high for the average person. Why would anyone want to
learn something as abstract as a programming language before creating a
"simple" database?

But surely learning the abstract concept of databases is useful for
the general user to help decide whether her/his problem is best solved
using a database/spreadsheet?

     I think this thread came from a another thread in which a
spreadsheet was used as a database and the question involved changing
the names of the sheets of the spreadsheet. If a database were
constructed to do what this spreadsheet does, that would be time
consuming and require someone like yourself with a great deal of
knowledge of database theory. It would probably be very sophisticated.

According to the responses, it seems that if a database structure was
chosen, the original question would not have been necessary?! It is
not known from the original poster _why_ the sheets needed to be

     But the original question that began this thread seemed to broaden
the scope to include much simpler spreadsheets and simpler databases.

That was deliberate: to gain knowledge from others to help me in the
future understand when databases and spreadsheets should be used most

     For some people, entering SQL statements in to the Execute SQL
Statement dialog is very easy to do. But doing this would be very
frustrating to to others because it is hard to tell whether they wrote
the write SQL or not. For them, using the dialogs of Base will provide
them with what they need.

I must admit, still trying to understand why base is required as a
"front end" to a database; shouldn't it be more important to learn SQL
first? As an analogy, it is easy to use LyX, but learning LaTeX (and
in turn, TeX I guess!) is beneficial to understanding better LyX.

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