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On Sun, 2011-10-09 at 12:05 +0200, Cor Nouws wrote: 

Hi Tom,

Tom Davies wrote (08-10-11 12:10)

At this point we could probably start thinking about longer-term
support than just 1 year.  A lot has changed this year and the future
seems much more solidly certain for TDF and LO. Regards from Tom :)

No one will hold you from thinking about that. But before building 
expectations, it is good to realise that decisions about release cycles 
are made by the people that do the development work.


  - Cor

I think we are growing to point were the issue of long term support
probably needs to be addressed. I think this more an issue with
corporate users rather than home/home office users. Large organizations
dislike having to update very frequently and we need to find the best
balance for them and us. Linux users are probably affected less because
of the distros will provide one of the more recent versions. But Windows
and Mac users need to update manually or in a corporate environment the
IT department will need to roll out the new version/update. Firefox has
received criticism for their rapid versioning from 4 to 7 in the last
several months from corporate users.

There are several possibilities. We could say every odd or even (3.3 vs
3.4) is the LTS with support for 2 or 3 years and the other is supported
for 1 year for example. We could say every, say third release (3.3 the
3.6) is the LTS with support for the other version. One of the years
releases (3.3, 3.4, and 3.5?) could be designated the LTS. Please note
these are just ideas put out to stimulate thinking and discussion for us
to determine what is best overall for LO and our users.

Obviously, this is not an issue that can be decided without discussing
with others such as the devs before a decision is reached but one that
probably needs to addressing in the near future. The goal is to have a
policy that can be used for planning by us and by users and is
reasonable for both.

Jay Lozier

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