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Right now, updating to 3.3.4 or 3.4.3 should be done due to the security issues addressed in those two that the previous versions did not have.

[quote from email by Italo Vignol]
The Internet, October 4, 2011 - The Document Foundation (TDF) publishes some details of the security fixes included with the recently released LibreOffice 3.4.3, and included in the older 3.3.4 version. Following industry best practice, details of security fixes are withheld until users have been given time to migrate to the new version.

So unless there is a need to go to a newer version of LO, to fix issues/bugs/etc., then I have no problem if someone wants to stick to 3.3.4 or 3.4.3 for another year or more. I used 3.4.1 till about a month after 3.4.3 came out. Then I installed on my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS desktop. [Actually the only reason I have not gone to 11.04 was due to a default video/monitor issue during booting. It set my default resolution to one that my monitor cannot handle, but my MoB graphics card could do.]

But we do need to have some "guideline" or "policy" on dealing with people wanting help with older version. The blaming the older version for your troubles may come up when it was not the problem. I know some people must have the latest versions and do not like to deal [think support besides run] with the older ones. Some people might get turned off LO if the "helper" insists that the person install the newest version of LO if they want to get help. We all do not want to lose any new users to LO just because of issues with the lists.

One reason I set up the archive site was the need for users wanting to go back to previous versions of LO since that one worked for their needs without the problems they have with the newest versions.


On 10/09/2011 06:26 PM, Cor Nouws wrote:
webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote (09-10-11 15:55)

Each line ends. If someone is still using 3.3.5 in December 2013 [13
months after it was released], they should be encouraged to upgrade to a
newer line. I do not think there will be an end of support for an old
product line, but to be honest, how long will we support the older
lines? 2 years, 3 years?

I think indeed that is the practical situation. How can we, as support for users, try to help with user questions as good as possible, without giving the idea that there is some drive to let them do an upgrade - unless there are of course clear technical reasons. I think at that moment valid is what you wrote earlier in this thread - what do we have on practical information about features in version A or B (feature pages, release notes), and what are differences / fixes (Bugzilla , ...). That will help in this task.


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