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Each line ends. If someone is still using 3.3.5 in December 2013 [13 months after it was released], they should be encouraged to upgrade to a newer line. I do not think there will be an end of support for an old product line, but to be honest, how long will we support the older lines? 2 years, 3 years?

We do need to set a policy on supporting older versions of LO. Right now, when people are asking questions about issues with older versions, they may be asked why they did not try a newer one. Many times the issues that people have with one version of LO is corrected with the next one. So if LO is on line 3.6.x, what do we say to a user that is still using 3.3.x? Do we tell them to try 3.4.x, 3.5.x, or 3.6.x, to fix the issue, or do we walk them through the "walk-around" for that issue they are having?

3.3.0 was released over 8 months ago [more if you include alpha and beta]. We are not at version 3.3.4, plus a new line with 3.4.3. We need to decide on what we are going to do or say for supporting the older versions. It is time. Even though support is through these lists, free to all who ask for it, most professional software companies should have support policies on how long they are going to keep supporting the older versions of their software. LO should also do this.

On 10/09/2011 06:05 AM, Cor Nouws wrote:
Hi Tom,

Tom Davies wrote (08-10-11 12:10)

At this point we could probably start thinking about longer-term
support than just 1 year.  A lot has changed this year and the future
seems much more solidly certain for TDF and LO. Regards from Tom :)

No one will hold you from thinking about that. But before building expectations, it is good to realise that decisions about release cycles are made by the people that do the development work.


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