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        I think that usually some people refers that 3.3.x is more stable than
3.4.x and say too which is better for workstation and wich for
experimental. But usually forget to explain in simples and few words the
features differences between both that are very necesary to decide what
version we would use.

        I suggest to make a list features that 3.4.x has and hasn't has 3.3.x.
I suggest include a general descripcion about code changes that not take
change in features but yes in efficient.


Jorge Rodríguez

El jue, 06-10-2011 a las 21:12 -0400, webmaster for Kracked Press
Productions escribió:
I have had the idea for a few months now, so I figured it was time to 
start working on it.

The original NA-DVD site has a set of archive pages for the installs 
that went into the NA-DVD[s].  There are all of the OSs and the language 
and help packs that were linked within the "default" install page[s].

This version of the site pages will have the contents of the DVDs, but 
will have installs for:
3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4
3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3
plus the new ones when they come out.

See what you think.  I need to work on the wording to describe the 
differences between the 3.3.x line and the 3.4.x line.  I could use some 
words to describe what line is best to use where.  I know that soon the 
3.4.x line will be "enterprise ready" and the "most stable" and "cutting 
edge" words soon will not be the best.  Also, when 3.5.x line comes out, 
"most stable" will be describing 3.4.x versions.  So maybe not using 
that phrase would be better for marketing.

Any advice could be helpful.


Jorge Rodríguez

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