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On 10/06/2011 06:12 PM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:

I have had the idea for a few months now, so I figured it was time to 
start working on it.

The original NA-DVD site has a set of archive pages for the installs 
that went into the NA-DVD[s].  There are all of the OSs and the language 
and help packs that were linked within the "default" install page[s].

This version of the site pages will have the contents of the DVDs, but 
will have installs for:
3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4
3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3
plus the new ones when they come out.

See what you think.  I need to work on the wording to describe the 
differences between the 3.3.x line and the 3.4.x line.  I could use some 
words to describe what line is best to use where.  I know that soon the 
3.4.x line will be "enterprise ready" and the "most stable" and "cutting 
edge" words soon will not be the best.  Also, when 3.5.x line comes out, 
"most stable" will be describing 3.4.x versions.  So maybe not using 
that phrase would be better for marketing.

Any advice could be helpful.

OT from LO, but I have concerns that you are providing applications with
considerable security concerns on your site:
SeaMonkey 2.0.11 en-US
(no longer supported and has severe security issues)
ditto for most all of the rest.

Further, how can one determine even if your images are safe? You provide
no md5sum or any other type of file check.

Why do you do this (nevermind I forgot your willingness to host insecure
versions of Java) rather than simple link to:
where the user can obtain older versions directly from a *reliable*
source? Example:

Nevermind that there are *NO* further security fixes for SeaMonkey
2.0.x, but you just happily seem to ignore the security fixes that were
added in the 2.0 releases following 2.0.11:

Fixed in SeaMonkey 2.0.14
MFSA 2011-18 XSLT generate-id() function heap address leak
MFSA 2011-16 Directory traversal in resource: protocol
MFSA 2011-15 Escalation of privilege through Java Embedding Plugin
MFSA 2011-14 Information stealing via form history
MFSA 2011-13 Multiple dangling pointer vulnerabilities
MFSA 2011-12 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:2.0.1/
Fixed in SeaMonkey 2.0.13
MFSA 2011-11 Update to HTTPS certificate blacklist
Fixed in SeaMonkey 2.0.12
MFSA 2011-10 CSRF risk with plugins and 307 redirects
MFSA 2011-08 ParanoidFragmentSink allows javascript: URLs in chrome
MFSA 2011-07 Memory corruption during text run construction (Windows)
MFSA 2011-06 Use-after-free error using Web Workers
MFSA 2011-05 Buffer overflow in JavaScript atom map
MFSA 2011-04 Buffer overflow in JavaScript upvarMap
MFSA 2011-03 Use-after-free error in JSON.stringify
MFSA 2011-02 Recursive eval call causes confirm dialogs to evaluate to true
MFSA 2011-01 Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:

In the end I guess it may not matter as I tried to download the linux
version of SeaMonkey 2.0.11 from your site and recevied:
Not Found

The requested URL
was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use
an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache Server at Port 80

Ditto for:

IMO your time would be better served contributing to the actual LO
website rather than creating your own. If archived images (as indicated
by your subject in the start of this thread are desired) archived images
are available at: <>

It appears to me that you are not concerned with security *at all* & for
that reason I'd recommend that others avoid downloading anything from
your site.

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