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Well Apache could pull out some marketing money for somewhere. It is a "big name" to those in the IT industry. So, there might be some ways for them to raise money for their office product. I know that LO has some big name companies behind it, so if it is a name game, we have some good ones, as far as I remember.

For Windows users, we need to find some way to get into shows and such to convince these users to use LO. If we can somehow get some of these Tech magazines to include LO in one of their included CD/DVD of software that seems to come out every so often, we might pick up a few [or many] users. EVERY Windows machine I deal with, I tell their owners about LO and if they have an older copy of MSO [pre-2007] then I let them know that LO will deal with those MSO files that their version cannot. I tell them that I dropped MSO years ago and still work with its files very well. Plus the cost is free.

It would be nice if we somehow could get some banner ad time on Google, or other place that people go to often. I do not deal with the social networks, but there has to be some way we can get the word out to the Windows users. I wonder if could get more of the localized computer stores [not chains maybe] who would give the software away or install it on every system they sell. A lot of the "mom and pop" stores do not sell MSO, due to the up front costs to them. Give it to them free, maybe a number of discs, and see what happens. I do not go into these stores much since if I need something, I order it online where I can get it cheaper. But if I need something "today" I have gone in to buy once in a blue moon.

So somehow we need to get the Windows users. Go after those who cannot afford to buy MSO every time a new one comes out, or when they need an office package for their kids at home or at college.

On 10/18/2011 08:46 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
"Ten times nothing.
Hmm, let me do the math[s] here,
is nothing and nothing"
Quote from Jayne in Firefly
Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Tue, 18/10/11, Ian Lynch<>  wrote:

From: Ian Lynch<>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Glyn Moody's article
Date: Tuesday, 18 October, 2011, 13:21
On 18 October 2011 12:53, webmaster
for Kracked Press Productions<>

Here is a marketing question that came from this
If we do not capture a large market and following -
larger the better -
what will happen to LO's market share when AOO comes
out and they spend the
marketing dollars that LO does not have?
<snip />

In terms of the cost of a global marketing campaign, I doubt ASF has
significantly more to spend that TDF, even if it was 10 times as much it
would still have little impact unless there was some killer way of
presenting things.
<snip />


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