Michael Bauer <fios@akerbeltz.org> hat am 13. April 2017 um 20:21 geschrieben:
Hi Sophie,
I know, sorry if you felt this was aimed at you - it wasn't - though I am quite certain your
assessment was correct, which is why I "replied" to your post. It was aimed at whoever is
letting this happen again and again and again. This has been a complaint for as long as I can
remember on LO and I'm somewhere between gutted and furious that it's still happening. Sure,
maybe a locale like German or French has the translators to throw at another 28k of work that
was already done but most locales aren't that fortunate. Take Uyghur, it was at 97% when OO and
LO split. There hasn't been much translation activity in this locale in both OO and LO since and
there haven't been *that* many genuinely new strings in LO actually but that has left Uyghur on
61% and if I click through the strings on Uyghur, it's one 100% match after the other.
Yes, this is an angry post (not angry at Sophia) but before someone slaps me down for being
angry, maybe ask yourself at which point getting angry is justified in a FOSS project when
someone somewhere for some arcane reason keeps wasting your lifetime as if it didn't matter. Do
we really want to burn out localizers like they were a dime a dozen?
Sgrìobh Sophia Schroeder na leanas 13/04/2017 aig 19:05:
> >
Hi Michael, *
I am the wrong person to give you proper answers. Am just a translator like you.
I just wrote from my personal POV and vague knowledge from what I'm getting.
Christian Lohmaier is the right reference person for such things.
So look at his mails about this issues. :-)
> --
Akerbeltz http://www.faclair.com/
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