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Hi  Michael,

On Thu, Apr 13, 2017 at 5:44 PM, Michael Wolf <> wrote:
Sophia Schroeder schrieb:
Hi Michael, *,

Pootle updates on master are still work in progress (read: ongoing).

Keep cool and relaxed. ;-)

Hi Sophia,

what does it mean? Are the stats reliable or not?
Stats in terms of total wordcount are  unreliable, in terms of
untranslated it should be OK (at least from first glance, see last
mail, seems only already translated strings were not removed properly)

Can I keep translating or,
could it be that the translation of the new strings will be a waste of time?
There *might* be some autotranslations of the strings with only
context-changes, but don't hold your breath for that.


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