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On 05/04/2013 04:55 AM, Marc Paré wrote:
Hi Mattias

Many thanks for your comment,

Le 02/05/13 03:03 AM, Mattias Põldaru a écrit :

I took a look at these files. Please don't take it as much of a
criticism but friendly notes on how to improve it.

Here are my remarks:

The logo on top green bar is vertically aligned to nothing. It would be
pleasing on the eye if at least the paper icon looked vertically
centered. And if possible, center text vertically as well (as done in
previous versions).

If you are talking about the logo itself, we do not have any choice. We must follow the design for "logo external use" as outlined on our wiki design page[1]. The logo is centered on each panel, if it is not, then, yes, it should be centered.

As for goodlooking professional texts these usually have slightly
smaller text with greater line spacing. IMHO 10,5 pt with 120% line
spacing and 0.14 cm spacing below the paragraph looks fine. Although I
don't think I would ever use Liberation fonts myself.

We are trying to use fonts that are easily accessible to our members. The brochure is for external community use and the Liberation font is only a design suggestion. This is not the case with the official brochure where the font is specific and should be used.

Right now we have 3 different greens on the page (front page logo, front
page text and border). We should reduce it to one (or two, if one has to
be pale).

As for the white first page, saving ink is a good reason. But right now
it looks kind of dull. Maybe if we would add a colorful image with all
the icons flying out of LibreOffice box or something slightly fancy. Or
use even more white (see linked file).

Not sure if adding more objects on the brochure would make it "print friendly". During our tests, we found that keeping to the LibreOffice design colors (greens) gave the best result as far as balancing the look and being easy on ink. These brochures will be printed on home printers for community, LUG, or small print runs.

The panel positions on A4 doesn't exactly match, the positions from left
should be 0,6 (was 0,51), 10,5 and 20,4 cm (was 20,48). And since you
use panels the page text column gutter is not set, otherwise it should
be double the border, 0,51 * 2 = 1,02 cm. Or was it to match up for the
space lost when folding?
(29,7−8,71⋅3)/6   = 0,595
(29,7−8,71⋅3)/6⋅3+8,71   = 10,495
(29,7−8,71⋅3)/6⋅5+8,71⋅2   = 20,395

We could play with the margin settings to make them better, sure, but in the end, the folding of the brochure needed enough space to allow for , as you say, space lost when folding. These will most likely be folded by hand.

Feel free to modify the margins if this will make it easier to fold. We have to be careful as not to leave so little margin space that the folding will get harder to do. Again, these are community brochures.

Since you use panels you could delete the bottom bar images and color
the panel bottom border, which would make the problem of hiding images
go away.

I think I tried that, do you mean making the page itself green and the frame would then sit on the top? Maybe you could make a sample brochure of all these changes and show us?

If you would like to do this, could you show us a sample before uploading it to the wiki brochure space? The design on the wiki page has already gone through a lot of discussion. Still, feel free to show us a modified brochure.

Thanks for the comments and the help.


The font "suggestion" help people so they can see what type/style of font we tend to use. Liberation Sans is one of the fonts that are installed with LO, correct? We could add that to the template. We do not want to suggest any font that need to be installed by the user post-install of LibreOffice itself. I know of one template that told you to use an Adobe font and those are expensive to purchase. Liberation Sans is free and should have been installed at the same time as LibreOffice was on a Windows and/or Linux system. I do not know about Mac's install, since I do not own one. That font looks good and it is free, just like LibreOffice.

I have printed the "community" design out on pastel green paper using a monochrome laser printer. The brochure looks nice that way. But, if you want the green text and images printed, then some "off white", "bright white", or "light pastel" paper would well for my inkjet printer tests.

The whole idea is to make a brochure easily printable for the home and/or home/office user to print and hand out them. The "official brochure" design needs the use of a professional printing service to make good quality copies.

Our local marketers, like me, have very little budget to use to make, print, or buy their marketing materials. Being able to print a nice looking brochure on the "low priced" inkjet and monochrome laser printers is a need. If they are lucky, the marketing person has access to an inkjet printer that prints directly onto the printable DVD media. Then they can have good looking DVDs to hand out instead of telling the person to go online and download LO. My NA-DVD now will auto-load to the disc's install page on a Windows system. That makes it easier for the user to install LO.

the more marketing materials we can make for the local user to allow then to market LO to their area of the world, the easier it will be for them to do that "job". The "community" version of the brochure - with or without content - is one more step towards that goal.

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