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HI Mattias

Le 05/05/13 02:27 AM, Mattias Põldaru a écrit :
04.05.2013 11:55, Marc Paré kirjutas:

If you would like to do this, could you show us a sample before
uploading it to the wiki brochure space? The design on the wiki page
has already gone through a lot of discussion. Still, feel free to show
us a modified brochure.

And comments on changes, the only somewhat "noticeable" change is the
front page which I like better with more white:


Thanks for the samples.

Here are my comments:

* panel 3 -- front page: I am not sure I like this design. From a marketing point of view, IMO, the white at the top of the panel, gives the impression that someone forgot to add some text, I don't think we are too concerned with the panel 3 focusing on the OS's as this is what we actually want to do ... we want people who have picked up our brochure to realize that we are on these 3 OS's (and eventually Android and possibly more).

* frames ... great! I love the fact that the green bar is now tied in with the frame. This will cause fewer problems with community teams.

* LibreOffice white logo in the green bar, yes, great the spacing is equal. Thanks!

* I printed up a sample of the included text in your example that you set at 120%. I am not sure that I agree with this spacing. It makes the brochure look unconventional and too metric. IMO, if we are to "tweak" anything, we should try to tweak the size of the font to make it more readable. We have gone through this exercise before with sample text and IMO this should be left to the decision of the marketing team who will be creating the text and basing it on their own impression of readability and how it fits into the brochure -- IMO, the spacing is more of a marketing decision and less of design decision. The marketing team will be creating content for about 15 types of brochure and they will all have different content, but use the same community template design. ** Don't forget, this thread is all about creating a community template without any text.


So IMO from your suggestions we could already:

* adopt the logo and the green bar (frame) changes into the template

* leave the sentence spacing to the marketing team, as it deals more with marketing issues and less of design issues.

* wait for other people's opinion on your suggestion for the panel 3 (front page) design
** I would vote -1 on it, I prefer the original design.
*** We could change the panel 3 (front panel) design to the one that you suggest if some of the contributing designers on the list agree to the change. I would like to see Charles, Italo, Issa and Tim's comments on your panel 3 suggestion before accepting it as they have been contributing their comments the most on the designs.

Thanks for your help with the design. We really appreciate your help. We will have need for more design help with other marketing items later as well; it would be nice if you could help us with these items. Issa has also been a great help with the design of these brochures.



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