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2012/6/3 Jean-Francois Nifenecker <>

Le 31/05/2012 21:29, Kohei Yoshida a écrit :

There is another reason for that.  Document not only store its content
but also view properties, but a change in the view properties doesn't
trigger a document modified status.  Here, view properties include
things like (in case of spreadsheet) active sheet, cursor position, zoom
level etc.

But quite often you want to store the view properties after they've
changed, and always enabling the save action allows this.  Disabling the
save action when the document content is unchanged even though the view
has changed is IMO quite unfriendly in this regard.

Also, it's IMO wrong to trigger a document modified status on view

I beg to differ.

A document is either changed and needs saving or is not and... doesn't.
Conversely, if changing a property needs saving, then the document *is*


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