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It is pretty rare for specifics of bugs to be entered on the Users list, where there might have a 
passing comment that a bug would be or had been filed. But often no additional details of the bug 
in the discussion. But, that said, the threads are pretty descriptive.
Being a new subscriber, maybe the Nabble web interface would be of use to efficiently identify 
substantive issues that may have associated bugs.


From: Michael Meeks []
Sent: Thu 8/16/2012 11:50 AM

        One thing that frustrates me, since I've only just subscribed is that
we seem to be talking about a load of bugs with no numbers I can easily

        I'd greatly appreciate it if some kind soul could scrape the thread in
their mailbox for a list of bug links to the most significant issues and
aggregate them in a single mail - so I can go and triage them.

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