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Hi :)
If the _26 version is not causing problems for you then LibreOffice is
probably not actually calling any java at all.  Perhaps you are not using
Base at all or if you are then you are probably using back-ends that don't
need java.  

You can probably stop using java completely and that would make LibreOffice
start up faster
Tools - Options - LibreOffice - Java
and un-tick the top box.  

'Obviously' if you are not having a problem with java slowing LibreOffice
down to a ridiculous extent then you don't need to worry.  However, we have
had a lot of posts where slow-downs and crashes have been solved by moving
to one of the earlier versions of java.  OpenJdk is officially recommended
but it also seems quite slow and problematic.  Again it's only where java is
actually getting used.  Again if you are not using features of LibreOffice
that rely on java then you wouldn't notice.  

Most of the posts giving links have included one link to the folder so that
you can see what else is stored on the site
The links to direct downloads tend to give some indication that they are
direct links, for example "For the direct links, use the following:" to
quote Tim.  

This is an evolving situation, not a static one.  
1.  On the legal side it seems that a "Take down Notice" or something else
like a "Cease and Desist notice" is the most that could happen to start
with.  Complying would be easy and take just a few minutes.  Chances are
that it would take significant time for those notices to be drawn up and
served especially since they would probably have to rely on snail-mail. 
Java is free so it's unlikely they would be able to claim damages.  A lot of
hassle for them and easy for individuals here to comply with.  Tim is
"sticking his neck out" slightly to help people here so we do owe him our
2.  Java dependence is being written out of the code altogether.  This is
not because java is currently owned by a company that decided to be a
competitor rather than just use us to further their own aims resulting in
them being unable to compete at all (an opinion some people have held rather
than necessarily being true) but rather because java just seems to slow
things down unnecessarily.  

So, by the time anyone gets around to serving a cease and desist or
take-down notice for no gain and some cost to themselves the chances are
that individuals here would have already taken down the helpful offerings. 
Until then we have a good work-around for those people that need it.  

In England there is a phrase that seems very apt to all those fear-mongers
that don't even use java anyway "Don't get your knickers in a twist"
Regards from
Tom :)

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