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From: "Tom Davies" <>

From: David H. Lipman <DLipman@Verizon.Net>
Sent: Fri, 2 September, 2011 18:48:47 Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: JRE older 
installs - Windows - nowonline-
no need for Oracleaccount

<snip />

Luckily Ubuntu is not targeted to the degree that MS Windows is and thus you
have a lesser degree of exploitation.

Multi-AV Scanning Tool -

Hi :)
Hmm, not quite the case.  Servers would make a far better target than desktops
if the aim of malware is to cause disruption or grab data.  Pranks and accidents
are sooo last decade.

However, we still hardly ever hear about servers suffering.  If it happens at
all it often gets reported in the mainstream news because it's so rare.  So, why
is it so common-place to hear of desktops getting infected instead of servers?

Interestingly it's the market where MS is dominant that has the most trouble
with malware.  Most big servers run Gnu&Linux, Bsd or some other Unix-based
platform precisely because stability and security are more important. Even if we just look at desktops we would expect a 
platform such as Mac at an
estimated 20% of the market taking 20% of the malware.  Yet we have heard of
less than a handful.  Again it's so rare that it reaches the mainstream press.

People that want to sound knowledgeable about malware and sound serious about it
use Windows.  There is a lot to know!  It's good to show-off about how much you
know but always the intel these people have is old because they are always
trying to catch-up with the ingenuity of malware creators.  People who are just
serious about stability and security and want to stay ahead of the game tend to
use Gnu&Linux (or Bsd, or even Mac).

You wrote "Servers would make a far better target than desktops..."

Not true.  Desktops are targeted as profit centers.  Through keyloggers, data stealers, 
backdoors, etc, desktops (personal computers) are targeted for profits.  That is the goal 
of Today's preponderance of malware.

MACDefender is one sample.  The motive of the infection is monetary and PII gain.

Multi-AV Scanning Tool - 

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