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On 9/3/2011 4:47 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
No, that is the point i am disagreeing with.  If Gnu&Linux, Bsd and other 
Unix-based OSes were equally vulnerable then we would see a lot more servers 
being compromised.  Affecting several thousand servers would have a vastly 
higher impact then affecting that many desktops wouldn't it?  So, why bother 
with desktops if servers are just as vulnerable?  For the same effort more data 
could be collected and more disruption could be caused by aiming at servers.  So 
why bother with creating malware for desktops at all?  When not just target 

Compare with other sorts of crime.  Imagine no corporate crime, no fraud, no 
scams just about 50%-20% of everyone  getting mugged for loose change on the way 
home a couple of times a year.  It's low hanging fruit but just not worth the 
investment of time and effort so people go for bigger targets to get more cash.  
Why doesn't this happen with malware?  Why not several thousand servers instead 
of just desktops?
Regards from
Tom :)

Good point. It is the pompous A$$ types, ten feet tall and bulletproof,
that annoy me.



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