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As I stated in a different thread, to get the older version of Java 
Runtime Engine, you have to sign up for an Oracle users account - with a 
valid email address for verification.
For you Windows users, I have now posted a few of those earlier JREs online.

At the bottom of the "default English" install page for the NA-DVD, I have listed 6u20 through 6u23. Tom stated that 6u23 was a slow version, so decided to give you a choice. He told me he uses 6u21 and it works well for him.

For the direct links, use the following:

My Ubuntu 10.04 system uses OpenJDK, but their site is still down. If it ever comes back up, I will see about downloading their version of the JRE and adding them to my LibreOffice-NA.US domain, just in case they go down again.

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