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From: "Don C. Myers" <>

Hi Dave and all,

I only run LibreOffice in Linux, specifically Ubuntu 11.04. Java versions 1.6.0_24 and 
1.6.0_26 essentially broke base. I have a database with about 2600 records in. Before 
the two releases mentioned, going from the first record to last record took a second. 
With either of those two versions, it would take 20 to 25 seconds. It slowed mail merge 
to a crawl also. The way that the older version, such as 1.6.0_21 is installed in Linux, 
or at least specifically in Ubuntu, it is only available for Libre Office. My browsers 
all are using the most current version. I've checked. Also, 1.6.0_21 does not show up as 
an installed package on the Linux system in synaptic package manager. It is only being 
used for LibreOffice, primarily Base. There is no plugin installed to make it available 
for browsers. I'm very security conscious. I've not run LibreOffice on Windows, so I 
don't know if the issues of problems with Java affected Windows installs or not. One 
post some time ago indicated it only affected Linux installs of LibreOffice. Regardless, 
I now have a functional Base working as it should, and still have the security of the 
latest released version of Java for Ubuntu for my browsers. Hopefully this will help you 
understand the issue.

Yep, got it.

Luckily Ubuntu is not targeted to the degree that MS Windows is and thus you have a lessor 
degree of exploitation.

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