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Tom Davies <> typed:
Hi :)
I agree with that but there is some minor additional
complexity that doesn't really affect the main points of
the post but might be interesting.

Not all "our" devs are volunteers.  I think most are,
possibly "almost all" but some are employees of the
various companies seen listed on "our" supporters page
The employees probably don't have much say in what they
work on.  I would guess that they are told what to do or,
if they are lucky, get pointed at a particular area.

There is a list of people that are credited with having
worked on code but the stats are a bit rough and it's
only up to about mid-June
I have a feeling the employees might have been missed off
that list although my feeling is that they should be
included too.  There is at least one so i could be wrong.
Probably some people have been missed off but might get
included next time.

The code was (maybe still is in places) messy because the
project is over a decade old.  Things generally need
cleaning occasionally and there was a plan being
developed under Sun to do a massive clean-up.  The move
to TDF meant that could finally be started on.  I heard
that the code is now 20-30% lighter! Regards from
Tom :)

Hi Tom,

Just to clarify, I'm not saying that anythng done to date is useless or 
otherwise unedesirable in any way. All I want is for the simple, original 
bug list of bugs that have always been there need to be fixed. LO should do 
what it says it'll do.  I seem to be getting back noise that says bug fixing 
is of no interest to anyone on the dev teams. That bothers me because it 
prevents a huge number of people from doing more than testing LO for a few 
days and stopping when such up-front, obvious a lst of bugs as exists 
becomes apparent.

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