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On 04/26/2011 01:34 PM, Tom Davies wrote:

From: webmaster for Kracked Press Productions<>
Sent: Tue, 26 April, 2011 18:13:18
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Writer tutorial ready for upload

On 04/26/2011 10:08 AM, Ken Springer wrote:
On 4/25/11 2:49 PM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
On 04/24/2011 08:28 PM, Ken Springer wrote:
On 4/24/11 3:40 PM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:

I would like to add this to the North American Community DVD in our
Documentation page[s]. opening page for project Win/Mac/Linux DVD
documentation page Windows only
DVD documentation page
I've tried for the last two hours, and get a server connection reset
in FireFox, as well as Safari. :-(

Works for me today.

The server is from GoDaddy, so their uptime is 99.9x% of the time.
I will look into this if it happens again. It should not. As of 4/25/11
4:40+pm Eastern time, they are up.
For lack of a better phrase, the problem appears to be "system specific" here.

I have a Windows machine, connected to the net via modem at 26.4, and the
opening page link works.  I did not try the other two links.

modem at 26.4? Well that is really slow, and old?

I have a Mac machine, connected to the net via satellite, and the opening page
link does not work.  The others do not either.

I have two leading suspicions as to why on the Mac.  One, I'm not sure
Thunderbird (and Firefox) are working correctly for some reason, and I exceeded
my allowable data download limits for the Fair Access Policy on the satellite,
so my access speed on the satellite has been "slowed" to modem speeds.   :-)
I do not deal with satellite services.  I had the choice of DSL or Cable Modem
for broadband access.  I choose Cable Modem since I am getting TV, Digital
Phone, and Broadband access in one package.  If I used DSL, I would have had to
deal with two companies vying for the services.  The DSL company offers Phone,
DSL, and Satellite TV.

My upload speeds are about 2 to 3 times standard modem speeds, so
uploading/sending large files can be a long process.  The DVDs take over 5 hours
to upload [each] to the web site and every time a new version comes out, I have
to do at least 1.3 GB of uploading.

Hi :)

It is a shame we can't quite organise snail-mail (postal services) to deliver
new releases to people with limited download capabilities.  A few people do seem
to manage it on a limited scale but hopefully this will be a growth market.

As for downloading in order to re-upload to another server elsewhere is there
some way of transferring directly so that we can bypass the download?
Ubuntu-One and other Cloud services would be useful if they could offer such

Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

Where are you located at?  Generally located which Town/State/Country?
I am in Elmira, New York, USA.

I may be able to pop a DVD in the snail-mail to you next week, if you are in the USA.
If not, it could take longer for one to get to you.

For specifics, email me at ""

One of the reasons for our DVD project is give the low bandwidth people a place to get a copy of a distribution DVD. Hopefully, soon, we will have our DVD[s] available at a print-on-demand service, or at one of our sites, for those who need a physical disc.

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