I have been following this discussion and I am still confused.
Why do we need two logos?
Other open source software have no problem with using one logo on their
main site and their community site.
Case in point :
use the exact same logo, but different backgrounds.
I presume that the "product" we have been referring to is LibreOffice and
the "community" is TDF ?
On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 1:03 PM, Marc Paré <marc@marcpare.com> wrote:
Hi Sophie,
Le 2012-12-21 11:49, Sophie Gautier a écrit :
Beside that, we didn't wait either to market the community, even if much
more should be done. Native language groups have already made huge
efforts to get new contributors at all levels and this has been done
using the same logo, most of the time just adding the language code on
or around it, but always with this logo has a basis of recognition for
our community.
Kind regards
I think this is less of a problem with nl groups. When FR-LibreOffice is
used, it usually means community unless you are on the download page. But I
think most people will associate the nl-LibreOffice with a community to
start off with.
The problem here is where to use "LibreOffice" to mean both the community
and the product. I am proposing that a subtle visual aid would perhaps help
in marketing our community and obviously help us in marketing the already
established product logo.
Marc Paré
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