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Hi all,

For information, I've pinged Cloph about the space and other dialog
position changes, he told me that usually this is not marked for

For information also, there are several string changes done by the UX
team, these changes are tracked here:
I've asked them several times to check in other languages that the
strings still fit in the dialogs. If not, please open an issue and
report here the number so we can track it.

From what I understand, the help files have not been modified. So this
is something to have in mind too. Or Olivier, I think you have open a
metabug to track where the help needs updates?


Le 03/11/2014 20:03, Olivier Hallot a écrit :

I noticed in the main development branch that we will have a large
translation workload for the next version 4.4 of LibreOffice.

Not only I have personally written many new help pages (blame it on me),
but also the UI is undergoing many changes in terminology and linguistics.

For example,;a=commitdiff;h=616f24419aba82369cbc005e64bd6b4ea494787c

adds colons to many strings in the dialogs, which will force translators
to do it manually unless, by miracle, a script sprout somewhere to do it
automatically and spare us of a tedious work.

Please review the schedule to allow translators handle this extra workload.


Sophie Gautier
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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