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I see that there are not so many files in Help. The easiest way would be to grap the AOO files, open one in Virtaal which puts the strings into its translation memory. The open the corresponding file for LO and it will help you match the strings. It would also allow you to do a gross error check.
That's what I would do because AOO had a Help file for our locale which 
was x% complete but actually was full of bad strings.

23/08/2014 11:33, sgrìobh Mihovil Stanic:
Hello all,

I joined HR team few years ago, but only after LO splitted from OO.
We kept UI translation up to date, but never even tried to translate HELP since it's massive task with over 400.000 words.
Too much for team of two people working in their free time.

Today I was checking AOO webpage and was searching to see if someone has joined their HR team and started translating AOO into croatian (or to be more precise, just getting it to 100% since it was 100% before split).
Then I noticed HELP project there is at 91%!!!

Is there a way to copy same, translated strings from there into our Pootle??? There are differences now, but not that much. If with transfering strings we can get to 70%, it's better then todays little over 9%.
I guess when LO forked, it forgot to fork our help files also. :)

Best regards,

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