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On 10/15/2017 10:44 AM, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos wrote:
Why is it only obvious to me that creating a separate “English locale”
(IOW, a complete copy of the source strings which would have to be kept in
sync and coherent at all times) is not sustainable?

The _ONLY_ issue with having both English(US) and English(UK), is the
lack of an initial l10n team for those two languages.

That every professionally run localisation/translation project allows
_voluntary_ language dependencies, but prohibits _involuntary_ language
dependencies, simply reinforces just how sustainable the model is.

Even for the few voluntary language dependent l10n teams, the reliance
on an involuntary language dependency can be frustrating.  (What do you
mean that none of those 10,000 changed strings aren't changed strings?)



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