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Hey Paulo,

they look grate :) It's only that I see on Base Icons another Shiny rounded
glow. Which is not on all. On draw you have a linear glow. Impress has no
glow at all, but this awesome outstanding look (My Favorite). Writer has no
glow at all, but you made some nice details on the image.

I think in comparison to the rest is a little bit too much details. But I'm
for letting the details stay and add some little touches (don't ask me
which) so the Icons will have the same amount of "details" (Yes even in a
smaller version you can add some details to de Base 128version - this shiny


On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 02:50:37 -0200, Paulo José <> wrote:
HI all,

I had playing with Christoph's icon set last day, trying to make the 
256px version for some icons. I made
icons to Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw and Base. My style is a little 
different, so I also made [few] changes in the background "document" to 
make sure they "fit"... :)

For decrease the SVG file size (1.5MB), I saved the file in the 
Compressed Inkscape Format (SVGZ - 116KB). But the wiki uploader don't 
allow this filetype, so I uploaded the normal SVG file... :/
I hope you like them. Commentaries and critiques are welcome :). I hope 
also we can complete all steps said by Berhnard and may release the new 
icons in LibreOffice 3.3.1. :D


On 23-01-2011 13:57, Bernhard Dippold wrote:
Hi all,

the MimeType icons didn't make it in RC 4, even if Christoph and 
Thorsten Behrens tried very hard to make it happen.

Unfortunately the icons are spread among a multitude of places inside 
the source code, so it was impossible to replace all 
appearances of the icons. Without thorough testing it would have been 
very likely that there would stay some old icons or appear broken links.

As such an appearance would have caused a less professional impression 
than staying with the present icons it has been decided to leave them 
out of this Release Candidate.

If there will be another stopper, leading to a fifth RC, this might be 
reconsidered, but at the moment it is planned to include them in 
LibreOffice 3.3.1 - giving more importance to the next version that 
should be released in one or two months...

For a realistic planning I think we have about two or three weeks to 
finalize the icons, giving us (probably) enough time to test the 
improvements we had to postpone because of the short timeframe.

I included Jaron's and my icon designs in the source file as different 
layers, so it should contain all the present versions of the icons.

I want to thank all of you who spent their time in these designs and 
comments - it is a great experience to have the chance of working 
really collaboratively in a team!

Let's finalize the icons, include them in the source and have it 
tested for LibreOffice 3.3.1. I think we can be really proud of the 
work we already did and we keep on doing!

Make it just work, and look great, too!

Best regards


Paulo José O. Amaro
Computer Science Student
Federal University of São João del-Rei
WebDesigner / Linked Empresa Júnior
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