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Jeg har prøvet at finde ud af hvad RAWSUBTRACT står for.

Et decimaltal (float) fylder 4 bytes, og har en præcision på ca 7
Hvis man vil have 10 decimalers præcision bliver 1,0 til 1,0000000562 eller

Af en eller anden grund er der nogen der ønsker at bibeholde disse upræcise
der bl.a. gør at (0,3 - 0,2 - 0,1) ikke bliver 0, men istedet
0,000000000000000002775557561 eller lignende.

Hvad skal vi oversætte det med?
Mit forslag er RÅ.SUB eller RÅ.SUBTRAKTION


Udpluk fra release notes:
New spreadsheet functions

    RAWSUBTRACT to subtract numbers without canceling out small roundoff
errors. tdf#71459 (Eike Rathke (Red Hat, Inc.))
        =RAWSUBTRACT(a,b,c) is like =a-b-c, but the - minus operator
cancels out small roundoff errors that are due to the fact that not every
decimal number can be exactly represented as a binary floating point number
and effectively the operation snaps to zero. RAWSUBTRACT uses the IEEE754
operation the platform/compiler provides. For example, =0.3-0.2-0.1 results
in 0, whereas =RAWSUBTRACT(0.3,0.2,0.1) results in 2.77555756156289E-17
        This can be used to compare whether a result exactly matches an
expected number, i.e. if =RAWSUBTRACT(result,expected) equals 0.0

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