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Thanks for the reply. This note is getting a little messy with the added nested replies. Maybe we will move it later to a Wiki worksheet somewhere on the "US/CA Marketing" wiki pages.
Le 2010-10-22 12:08, Drew Jensen a écrit :
On Thu, 2010-10-21 at 12:05 -0400, Marc Paré wrote:

Hi Marc,

Just going to drop in a few links to build on the good start you have

Education (NOT ACADEMIA) campaign:

Initial work:
* make sure the support forums/mailist/nntp are established and
strategically located on the TDF/LibO site
Excellent, I suppose the work on a forum(s) will be kicking into gear
here soon and I am looking forward to working with you on it
Yes, I think in this case a forum thread would be more organised. I 
don't particularly like the mailist format for "nested" discussions. 
They are just too hard to follow and to digest.
* see if there is the possibility of IT "type" help desk for networking
concerns with LibO (may include dev support) -- could also involve a
"pay per call" service.
*bit item*
Not sure what you mean by *bit item* . I am a newbie! LOL
* make sure that network installation is possible and easily done on
different platforms (could arrange for "test" locations at some school
board sites, with LibO dev involvement)
Florian is your guy here - a number of good articles out on installing
OO. in large environments. I think a number of them are in German only,
someone may want to touch base with him and see if that is true, if so
find out how he would feel about someone here translating them in to
English for publication, somehow, somewhere....
I have sat on many committees examining the use of OOo and the general 
consensus from IT was that the network install was not available, not 
enough proof on large installations with annotated install procedures, 
no OOo IT help desk where they could refer to in case of problems (even 
a list of OOo IT devs who could communicate back and forth to help 
This needs serious work with help from devs. English language 
documentation in this area is a must. Most IT departments (I have worked 
on English and French Canadian committees) are able to work with English 
language documentation if not available in their native language.
* make sure that there are many educational specific templates for
downloading (match these with governmental educational agencies and the
student expectation lists etc.)
Here are a few links to current templates:

I'd like to see the basic content, idea, moved to wiki pages - long term
plans for a LibreOffice template repository should be kicking up before
long, I would guess.

Absolutely correct. Easy to find, easy to access, universally available 
should be our mantra. Thanks for the cool links! I will take a closer 
look at these later.
* make sure that there are enough clip arts/sounds in the LibO suite
* collect data re: use of MSO templates presently in use for
Kami is the name you want to look for in the mailing lists - he has been
the driving force in putting the collection together for He is now actively developing extensions as part of the
TDF team.

Great news about Kami! I usually recommend materials 
for OOo installs. Which should be the same with LibO or until all of the 
files become LibO files? It the distro on-board with 
LibO? If so, are their extensions going to be rebranded?
One of the most questioned additions of the OOo from teachers and 
students has been the inclusion of cliparts. They have gotten used to 
the MSO clipart set. I usually recommend to have the free clipart set 
installed on their OOo installation and then the most complained about 
problem with this is how to get rid of the clipart/sound pane. It just 
doesn't seem intuitive for them. But, a clipart set is important, not to 
mention an occasional  update of the clipart is always welcome.* collect 
data: contacts and addresses of various Educational
organisations responsible for the testing/recommendation/acquisition of
educational software
yes - do you want to just start on that, for this group?
Yes. I can take care of the Canadian side of things. I am not sure of 
how big a job this is on the US side. Education in Canada is 
constitutionally given to the Provinces. Our federal government has an 
"arms length" involvement in education and most of its activities ae 
related to financial grants/bursaries as well as financial incentives 
through its varied ministries.
* collect names of individuals who are ready to help support and demo
LibO at individual schools
I thought this was it, here - which is to say, this is the starting list
- but I understand your point and yes that would good to have. to
followup on the last question, if you have an idea of how you want to
keep that list and make it available great, if not I can offer a few
ideas and help you get things setup.
Sadly, I am unable to a little incapacitated at the moment due to a 
couple of surgeries due to a crushed spine. So, I am unable to travel at 
this point in time till therapy and drugs etc permit me to do so. Not to 
mention exercise. But that is just for me.
I see the present members here more in the advocacy corner. For example, 
the breakdown for the Canadian members should be: a national rep(s).; a 
provincial rep(s); major cities rep(s); school rep(s). There should 
always be, at the very least, two members for the upper 
national/provincial levels (if one person decides to leave, then the 
programme does not end) and many individuals on the lower levels 
(city/school). These last two categories are the real workforce of the 
marketing team. The upper levels are more of the political marketing 
force behind the programme.
* lobby various organisations to accept the OASIS document ISO formats.
Sounds good to  me - as long as I get a LibreOffice Golf Shirt out of
it...3x please.
Hope the golf shirts also get organised too! We need to team up with 
OASIS and plan these on two fronts. The national arena and the 
state/provincial arenas. This is a political issue and needs to be 
coordinated with as many partners as possible.
However, at the grass roots, if more people adopt the LibO suite, then 
they will clamour more for OASIS adoption, just by the mere fact that 
they will eventually tire of having to import/export to MSO formats when 
the "near-half minority" are using the OASIS formats. This could be 
easily compared to communities where the Spanish language is spoken and 
no Spanish services are offered. Eventually, the communities will rally 
and buy/communicate only with the Spanish accommodating enterprises. 
This pressure eventually translates into many organisations offering 
Spanish services as they would not like to lose their business.
* prepare support on-line materials (pamphlets; videos; weblinks to
important sites (OASIS, ISO, ...) related to the educational field and
LibO advocacy etc.)
Andy Brown - has been doing this for OO.o projects here and there for a
while - good guy to get to know.
Yes, the LibO Marketing materials need to be universally available and 
maybe a subset on the US/CA Marketing site for 
country/state/province/city specific materials. This just needs to be 
organised in a very logical way.

--snip off rest for another email later ---



Marc Paré

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