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On Sat, 2012-02-11 at 17:56 -0500, Marc Paré wrote:
HI Drew et al

Le 2012-02-11 08:39, drew a écrit :
I would strongly argue in the reverse.

They likely use less of the application and therefore:
- are least likely to benefit from the new features
- least likely to appreciate the value of new features they find
- least able to deal with any stability issues found
-- unable to quickly recognize workarounds on their own
-- least capable of giving quality feedback in the form of entering
issues into the bug tracking system
-- most likely to abandon the application out of frustation

The more capable users are the ones likely to exercise more aspects of
the application and therefore:
-- recognize the new features, enhancements
-- best able to work around any stability issues in early version
-- most likely to give useful feedback via the bug tracker

In other words I feel that it is the casual user that should be directed
to the trailing release 3.4.5 at this time, and the exception (for lack
of a better term) treatment to direct our experienced users to the
latest feature release 3.5.0.

IMO this offers the best experience for both the end users and the
efforts of the foundation as it avoids frustrating those least able to
deal with the leading edge, and maximizes the likelihood of getting
timely, useful and quality feedback into the QA/developer loop.
If I am not mistaken, this has already been said previously somewhere 
and I find this logic sound. It is unfortunate that the 3.5.x may have 
more interesting features, but I also agree with you. Most people would 
prefer a solid product than having to fiddle around with the software. 
They are already spending too much time worrying about virus/spyware 
checking, and, having another potentially (even if slightly) glitchy 
version of LibreOffice is not what most are looking for.

I also vote for archiving the 3.3.x versions. We should only carry 2 
versions on the Download page.

Otherwise, we would only carry one version of the product.



Well I wrote the email first thing this morning and I am still, in
general, behind the concept, however, after reading everything on list
today and spending most of the day running 3.4.5 and 3.5.0 _and_ then
reading your post, specifically, referencing the chatter from some
developers to start thinking of the 3.5 branch as the first LTR (for a
working term) candidate...

I would change my, or have changed my mind, regarding this moment in
time. I think given everything that 3.5.0 should be the default, over

But I would really like to see us have a more detailed discussion,
before we get to 3.6 in order to flesh out the ideas in general about,
how we designate 'the default' going forward.

Hope that makes sense.



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