On 11/4/16 7:37 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
As I said before, I don't use Mint and claim no Mint or Linux expertise.
I'm just an average Ubuntu user learning my way through. And, even then,
my Ubuntu relationship is love/hate. When it works I love it; when it
doesn't I wipe it off my computer and go back to Windows. After getting
tired of how slow Windows is, I then reinstall Ubuntu and try again.
LOL!!! I meet a lot of users who don't like where Windows is going,
including me. Sadly, Apple has picked up the idea of forcing an upgrade
to the OS whether you like it or not. Fortunately for me, my hardware
just became too old to support Sierra.
If it were me, I would try Method 1. Mint is based on Ubuntu and I
believe it uses the same PPAs. Someone on this list confirmed that in
response to my earlier message, but I sadly deleted the email before
remembering his name. From what I understand, Method 1 and Method 2 do
exactly the same thing. Method 1 is more "manual" and Method 2 uses a
GUI, but either way, you're adding a repository and updating the system.
Once you get comfortable with using a terminal, Method 1 is certainly
easier and faster.
Going with Method 1 was my next plan, depending upon your thoughts.
I don't mind the Terminal, I just don't know any of the commands to
speak of.
But to cover my butt, I'll advise you to check with someone who actually
uses Mint, perhaps the earlier poster here or someone on the Mint forum.
I'm not using Mint for anything at all other than trying to find the
time to learn it. I think that eventually that's the way I'll go when
Good luck.
On 11/03/2016 10:38 PM, Ken Springer wrote:
On 10/31/16 6:45 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
Here's how I did it with Ubuntu 14.04LTS. I imagine it might work
with Mint, which is based on Ubuntu.
Method 1
I opened a command line terminal (With Ubuntu, it's Ctrl-Alt-t).
I typed in the following commands, hitting <enter> after each line.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-5-1
sudo apt-get update
After typing in the first line, you'll be prompted for your user
password. The first line adds the repository for LO 5.1.x. The second
line automatically updates your system to use it.
Method 2
You can do the same thing through Synaptic Package Manager. Open
Synaptic and click on Settings and then Repositories. In the
Repositories dialog, click on Other Software, then click Add. Then
type in ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-5-1 and click Add Source. You
will be prompted to reload your software sources. Once you do that,
you can click Mark All Upgrades. Synaptic will mark the LO packages
that are to be updated. Click Apply and you'll be upgraded.
Again, I've used both methods with Ubuntu. That said, I am not by any
means an experienced Linux user. I tend to use Synaptic for all my
software installation needs. I've never downloaded and installed a
*.deb file. Instructions for these methods are found at:
I don't know enough about Mint to know if it will work properly, but
since Mint is based on Ubuntu, I tend to believe it will.
Hi, Virgil,
Method 2 does not work for me. Theory, the Synaptic Package Manager
in 17.3 is a bit different than what you have seen. The exact steps
you mentioned can't be done, and I made my "best guess" as to the
correct selections I see in 17.3 here. What I've ended up with is a
cursor that indicates things are locked up. On my Mac, it would be
the "spinning beach ball of death", in Windows the endless rotating
hourglass cursor. LOL
I can hop over to the Linux Mint forums about this if that is your
suggestion. Or I can go ahead and try Method 1.
For others following this thread, I have a number of messages flagged
to reply to, but I want to work with Method 2 and see if I can get it
to work before replying to the flagged messages.
Mac OS X 10.11.6
Firefox 49.0.1
Thunderbird 45.3.0
"My brain is like lightning, a quick flash
and it's gone!"
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: How do I install the current Linux version (continued)
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