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Hi :)
Why then do you not engage with actually helping people on the Users
Mailing List when they write in with some problem?

You seem to be saying that because it's a community project that every
person should be involved with every part of it.  So, lets see you solve
some problems for users.
Regard from
Tom :)

On 2 October 2014 16:22, Charles-H. Schulz <> wrote:

Le 02.10.2014 17:04, Tom Davies a écrit :

Hi :)
I don't think that bullying users is particularly clever or productive.


Lets take a completely different scenario as an example.  Lets say that
someone buys a can-opener.  They use it and like it so at Christmas they
buy a new one as a present for a friend.  The new one doesn't work.  The
person takes the opener back to the shop and gets told that they should
have paid a few thousand on the research&development of the new one and
that it's the users fault for the can-opener being broken.

Ridiculous right?

Yes indeed. And that is indeed a completely different example you're
taking, because you are comparing buying apples to being part of a
community project developing a software.



 Regards form
Tom :)

On 2 October 2014 15:39, Sophie <> wrote:

 Hi Charles,
Le 02/10/2014 15:50, Tanstaafl a écrit :
On 10/2/2014 8:58 AM, Werner <> wrote:
No one suggested that users should have to pay.

You obviously haven't read this entire thread. Florian is trying to
extort money from me to fix this major regression.

ha ha, this one made me laugh, I imagine Florian... really you don't
mean what you wrote.

But it might be interesting for a certain user to get a
bug/feature/regression fixed ASAP and therefore having the option is
in my view great.

As I said - suggesting a user pay for enhancements is one thing, and
I agree wholeheartedly with.

Major regressions, on the other hand, are a very different issue, and
your lumping them together is just plain disingenuous.

so concerned as you are, you're following the new features page on the
wiki and test the areas they may impact you, don't you? And then test
daily builds to see if your bugs are fixed and there is no regressions?

A regression should be dealt with, and in your case it has, just not
fast enough for you - but that is live.

Yep... and the consequences, in this case, are that my biggest client
seriously considering switching to Microsoft office, and because of the
situation, caused purely by the Libreoffice devs refusal to fix the
regression in a timely fashion, I have little ammunition to counter the
push. I know no one here truly cares, but I do, and this is in fact the
only reason I'm discussing this right now - meaning, I'm not a troll,
I'm not here to just diss you guys or anything, I have what I consider
to be very legitimate complaints about the way that this particular
regression has, and is being, handled, and believe that (most of) the
comments attempting to blame *me* for not 'ponying up' are irrelevant,
invalid, and in some cases, extremely objectionable (see the paragraph
following the next sentence as to why I take it as far as

So again, if you are concerned by regressions, you should follow what is
develop and what could have an impact for you. You can even write a
regression test that I can put on our manual tests system. You don't
need to wait for things to happen by themselves.

Obviously, some of the volunteers here disagree, but on that note...

I am also very aware that a very good number of the actual Libreoffice
developers are paid to work on it (some full, some part) time, so it
isn't like Libreoffice is a *purely* volunteer effort. In fact, it is,
most likely, much too big of a project to survive on a purely volunteer
basis, so please stop talking as if this were the case - it isn't.

Yes but paid by whom?

If I where you I would just test the proposed fix in the daily build
make sure it is fixed the way you expect it to get fixed.

Oh, I will be doing this as soon as time permits, but for the last 3
weeks, my plate has been full, and again, since I reverted to 4.1.6 way
back when, the bug hasn't on the front burner.

Oh so who's gonna do the work? QA volunteers again will do the work for
your company...

Kind regards

Sophie Gautier
Co-founder - Release coordinator
The Document Foundation

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