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-----Original Message----- From: John Meyer
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Softmaker

On 11/20/2013 4:44 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
I think it's time to look at word processing from a new model. Rather than continuing to mimic the typewriter in document creation, I think it's time we found ways to create documents for a wide range of reading options -- paper, computer screen, e-book, iPhone, etc. Then, find ways to allow writers to concentrate on the content of their writing, keeping the word processor itself out of the way.


In other words, find a dsektop publishing system and then find a way to
let a writer concentrate on writing rather than DTPing.  I thought that
was what a word processor was for in the first place.


Actually, you may be on to something. Most DTPs have a "story mode" or something like that, where a writer can just write without much concern about formatting. Then the text gets imported into the formatting mode, where it is manipulated. In my experience, DTPs are still concerned primarily on the printed page. It would be great to have two publishing modes, one for print, and one for onscreen reading. Combine these two publishing modes with a simple text editing process, perhaps using markdown codes for simple logical structure, which could be converted to the proper formatting codes for either print or onscreen output, and you've got something.


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