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On 11/19/2013 06:10 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:

On 11/19/2013 07:30 PM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
FreeOffice is interesting. In many ways, it resembles LO or OOo. Does anyone know if it was some form of fork or dirivative?


I believe FreeOffice is proprietary and is the free version of SoftMaker's office suite.


-----Original Message----- From: Doug
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Softmaker

On 11/18/2013 06:36 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:

On 11/18/2013 06:32 PM, Doug wrote:
On 11/18/2013 03:40 PM, Charles Smith wrote:
On 11/18/13 11:58 AM, Doug wrote:
This list may not like the suggestion, but Softmaker has a free version
of its word processor and spreadsheet. You might find it less fiddly
than LO.

Hmmm...No Mac version and not free--unless I overlooked something on the


No, not for Mac, but it sure is available for Linux. Look here:

AFAIK, it is only short a few fonts compared to the paid version.
I have it on my laptop, and it works great.


Checking the website, I only saw Windows and Linux versions.

That's what I said. I didn't realize you need a Mac program.

I dropped them a note requesting a copy of the license. They responded saying there is none. Does this mean that the free version is public domain? I'm not up on German law to know.


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